Frequently asked questions

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Email if you don't find what you're looking for.
Why am I being charged for school fees if I don't have any children?
How Do I Request a Refund?
How do I schedule an inspection?
Can my review be expedited?
Can my project be processed over the counter?
What is the building code?
How do I draw plans?
If I am legalizing existing grading, why do I need a drainage report?
How do I get an additional address for my property?
I applied online for a permit, but was not directed to make a payment. What else do I have to do?
My permit has been approved by all divisions. What are my next steps?
How do I renew an expired permit?
Where can I get the permit card with all the inspections and their results?
I uploaded revised plans to my permit. When will it be re-reviewed?
How long will my permit take to be issued?
How can I get an extension on my permit?
I cannot schedule a final inspection via the website. What should I do?
I don't have the ability to select my contractor number in the application form to submit for a permit. What should I do?
How do I upload documents to respond to comments?
Where can I see my documents online for my permit?
How do I get a refund?
How do I create a revision on a permit?
What is the status of my permit?