• A bedroom is any space in a dwelling unit or accessory structure that can be used for sleeping purposes which is 70 square feet or greater in size and is located along an exterior wall, unless specifically exempted.

  • If a home office, den, library, or similar room is proposed, it may be exempted from being considered a bedroom if 1) there is no closet and 2) at least one of the following is present:

    • permanently built-in bookcases, desks and other feature that encumber the room in such a way that it cannot be used as a bedroom;

    • a minimum 4 foot opening, without doors, into another room; or

    • a half wall (4 foot maximum height) between the room and another room.

  • A detached building which contains only a half bath will not routinely be considered as having a bedroom unless it is specifically identified and permitted as a guest house.

  • Accessory structures containing a full bathroom accessed from the interior of the structure will be considered as having a bedroom.

  • The following rooms are not considered bedrooms:

    • hall

    • bathroom

    • kitchen

    • living room (maximum of one per dwelling unit)

    • dining room (in proximity to kitchen, maximum of one per dwelling unit)

    • family room (maximum of one per dwelling unit)

    • laundry room

    • closet/dressing room opening off of a bedroom

For more information, see Definition of a Bedroom, Detached Residential Accessory Structures, and Detached Residential Accessory Structures Summary Table