What does my permit status in Accela mean?

There are many different permit types at Permit Sonoma. Some permits require approval in a public hearing, some can be approved automatically through electronic submittal, and some require review by staff but can be approved administratively once it is confirmed they meet code requirements. With so many options it can be hard to determine what the listed status of a permit might be.

Accela Status: Definition of that Status

Abandoned: Permit abandoned by customer.

Abatement Order: An abatement order has been issued to resolve a violation.

Accepted: Application accepted and is pending payment of initial fee estimate.

Active: Used to show that a Vacation Rental License is in use.

Active Permit or Plan Check: Used on Code Enforcement violations when there is a permit in process that would cure the violation.

Annexed: Parcel annexed into city limits.

Annual Invoice: Septic Operational Permit (OPR) annual fee is due.

Appealed: Application decision appealed to Board of Building Appeals, Design Review Committee, Board of Zoning Adjustments, Planning Commission, or Board of Supervisors.

Application Accepted: Application accepted and is pending payment of initial fee estimate.

Application Accepted/In Review: Application has been received and is under review.

Application Pending: Application accepted and is pending payment of initial fee estimate.

Application Received: Application has been received by the department.

Approved: Application approved.

Approved Condition Compliance: Application approved subject to Conditions of Approval, on historic records this may appear as Approved CC.

Approved for Occupancy: Permitted structure has been approved for occupancy.

Approved for Plan Check: Application has been received and ready for plan review.

Awaiting Applicant Response: Application is waiting for a response or additional information from the applicant.

BOD Approved: Board of Director (sanitation district) has approved the project.

Canceled: Application or Permit has been canceled by the customer.

Cap Area Waiting List: Vacation rental application pending cap area eligibility.

Certified: Vacation rental property manager has passed exam and received certification.

Closed: This status is most frequently used to show that either a code enforcement case has been resolved or that a revision to building plans has been completed.

Collections: Delinquent payment has been referred to collections.

Complete: Application or Report is complete. This is often used for Addressing, Site Reviews, and Septic Waivers.

Complete - Green: Disaster Event Status means no structural damage.

Complete - Red: Disaster Event Status means structure has been 100% destroyed.

Complete - Yellow: Disaster Event Status means minor damage.

Complete for Processing: Application has all necessary submittal items and is ready for staff to process.

Continued: Enforcement hearing has been continued to a later date.

Counsel: Land Conservation Contract under review by County Counsel.

County Counsel: Project has been referred or is with County Counsel.

Courtesy Letter: Enforcement related courtesy letter to applicant.

Customer Hold: Customer has placed the project/permit on hold.

Delinquent: Yearly Billing is delinquent.

Denied: Application has been denied.

Done: Application approved and conditions of approval have been met. This is often the last step in a permit and no further work will be occurring.

Dry Hole: Well drilling encountered a dry hole.

Expired: Application has been expired due to time limitations.

Expired Plan Check: Permit was never issued but expired in the review stage.

Fee Due/Past Due/Violation: A fee is due.

File Closed: The file has been closed.

Filed: A Record of Survey has been filed.

Finaled: Job is complete and final inspection was approved.

Hearing: Public hearing has been scheduled with Design Review Committee, Board of Zoning Adjustments, Planning Commission, or Board of Supervisors.

Hearing Notice: Public hearing notice posted/published.

Hearing Scheduled: Violation that is scheduled to go to a hearing.

Hearing Waiver: Application ready for approval as long as no objection received after hearing waiver posted/published onsite.

In Compliance: Violation that has been resolved.

In Review: Application materials are being reviewed by assigned staff.

Incomplete: Application incomplete for processing

Inspection Requested: Applicant has requested an inspection.

Inspection Warrant: Inspection Warrant was issued so staff can inspect the project.

Installed: Septic system constructed but not connected to a structure.

Issued: Permit has been issued and construction may commence.

Issued OTC: Permit has been issued and construction may commence.

LAFCO Approved: The Local Agency Formation Committee has approved.

Lawsuit: Application is involved in litigation and on hold.

Map Accepted/Map Check: The parcel or final map has been accepted for review.

Map Review Approved: The parcel or final map has been approved.

Monitor: Long term monitoring for a Low Impact Development or for a violation.

Neighbors Notified: Vacation rental permit notice sent to neighbors.

Notice & Order: Hearing body has issued an order to abate a violation.

Notice of Abatement: Formal notice to abate a violation.

Notice of Violation: Formal notice that a violation exists.

Paid: Application initial fee estimate paid and has been routed for assignment

Payment Due: Application or permit fees have been invoiced and a payment is due.

Pending Inspection Result: The application or permit is pending an inspection.

Pending Test Data: The application or permit is pending test data.

Permit Active: Septic Operational Permit (OPR) is active and in good standing.

Plan Approved: Application has been reviewed and is approved.  Permit issuance is still pending.

Plan Check: Application is under review.

Plan Check Approved: Application has been reviewed and is approved.  Permit issuance is still pending final payment.

Plan Check Comments Sent: Review completed and comments sent to applicant to respond.

Plan Check Expired: Permit was never issued but expired in the review stage.

Plan Check Started: Application is with the plans examiner.

Plan Review: Application is with the plans examiner.

Plan Review Approved: Application has been reviewed and is approved but permit issuance is still pending.

Plans Received: Design plans have been received, but are pending assignment.

Posted: Public hearing or hearing waiver notice has been posted/published.

Pre-Issue/ Payment Due: Permit is Approved and has been invoiced. Once fees are paid, status will move to issued status and work can begin.

Ready for Plan Check: Application is in line waiting to be reviewed.

Ready For Public Notice: Application is now ready for posting/publishing hearing notice.

Received: Application has been received.

Recorded: Documentation has been recorded a the County Recorder's Office.

Referrals Sent: Project referrals have been sent to public agencies and County departments for review.

Reinspection: Reinspection fee is required.

Released: Septic system has been released from the Operational Monitoring Program.

Resubmittal Received: Applicant responded to comments and new documents/responses are ready for staff to review.

Resubmittal Requested: Plan review comments have been sent.  customer needs to revise plans and resubmit.

Review Approved: The application / plan review has been approved. Permit is not issued yet.

Review Expired: The application / plan review has expired.

Reviewed with Comments: Plan review comments have been sent and applicant needs to revise plans and resubmit.

Revision: Application/Project proposal revised by applicant.

Revoked: Permit issuance has been revoked.

Sent to Recorder: Document has been forwarded to the County Recorder's Office.

Site Review: Application is pending a site visit by staff.

Started: Application has been created but not accepted yet.

Stop Order: A stop work order has been placed on the permit/project.

Time Extension: A time extension has been granted.

Under Review: Application is currently under view by staff.

Verified: Complaint has been verified as a violation.

Vested: The vesting certification has been issued.

Vesting Approved: The vesting certification has been approved, but is pending issuance.

Vesting Certificate Issued: The vesting certification has been issued.

Violation: A violation has been confirmed by county staff.

Void: Application initialized in error.

Waiting for Other Approvals: Application is pending a review by a secondary discipline, such as planning review on a building permit for zoning compliance.

Withdrawn: Application has been withdrawn by applicant