For projects on properties located within a designated Scenic Corridor, where is the 30% Setback measured from?

Per 26-64-030.a: "All structures located within scenic corridors established outside of the urban service area boundaries shown on Figures LU-5a through LU-5i, inclusive, of the general plan land use element shall be subject to the setbacks of thirty percent (30%) of the depth of the lot to a maximum of two hundred feet (200′) from the centerline of the road."

This is a multi-part calculation:

  • Measure the distance of 30% of the lot depth from the front property line.

    • If the parcel is irregularly shaped, calculate an average depth.

  • Separately, measure the maximum distance of 200 feet from the road centerline.

  • Compare the 30% lot depth measurement to the maximum distance from the road centerline measurement.

    • If the calculated setback (30% of lot depth) is less than the maximum (200 feet), apply the 30% setback.

    • If the calculated setback (30% of lot depth) exceeds the maximum (200 feet); apply the 200-foot setback.

Where development is proposed on a parcel located within the Scenic Corridor, your site plan must clearly demonstrate the calculated setback line. For questions about Minimum site plan requirements, please see Form CSS-019 for Building & Engineering permits and Form PJR-129 for Planning applications.